


Is there a link between ulcerative colitis and blood clots?

New Delhi, April 13 -- Blood clots, or gel-like masses, can block blood flow, leading to severe complications like a heart attack or stroke. While blood clots can be a result of genetic factors and a ... Read More

Do you also have expression lines? 10 tips to get rid of it

New Delhi, April 9 -- Expression lines are creases that form on the face when we make repeated facial expressions while smiling, frowning, squinting, or raising our eyebrows. When we are young, these ... Read More

Jumping rope for weight loss: Here's how to burn maximum calories!

New Delhi, April 8 -- While you may think that jumping rope is child's play, it is a highly effective workout that can help you stay fit and healthy. It involves simply jumping over a rope repeatedly.... Read More

Sweaty scalp? Here's what causes it and 7 ways to get rid of it

New Delhi, April 5 -- Sweating is the body's natural cooling mechanism that helps regulate temperature and expel toxins. This process is vital to maintain internal balance and prevent overheating. How... Read More

Can mint help manage diabetes?

New Delhi, April 4 -- Diabetes is a chronic disease that happens when your blood sugar (glucose) is too high. It develops when your pancreas does not make enough insulin, keeping blood sugar levels hi... Read More

Zinc for women: 11 reasons why you need this nutrient!

New Delhi, April 3 -- While your diet should be packed with several essential nutrients, zinc is one of the nutrients that you need for growth and development. It is a trace mineral, which means you n... Read More

Applying sunscreen and face oil together? Here's why its not a good idea

New Delhi, April 1 -- Following a skincare routine can feel like a maze, and it's easy to fall into major pitfalls along the way. One common mistake is the simultaneous use of sunscreen and face oil. ... Read More

How to release tension from your muscles: 7 tips for relief

New Delhi, April 1 -- Have you ever felt your muscles tighten and stiffen, almost as if they were being pulled? Well, muscle tension can stem from various factors like stress, over-exertion, dehydrati... Read More

7 exercises to beat insomnia and get better sleep

New Delhi, March 31 -- Do you often find yourself staring at the ceiling at night, waiting to sleep? If this happens daily, you may have insomnia, a sleep disorder that causes difficulty falling aslee... Read More

Keep your blood pressure in check with these 5 healthy drinks

New Delhi, March 30 -- High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects millions worldwide and is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. While medication and lifestyle changes are primary... Read More